gsm batterij

  • Rutger

    Waarom zitten er drie polen op een batterij van een GSM?

  • Fendoor

    Plus Min en een de laadstroom te reduceren als hij vol is (van laden naar druppelladen)

  • Dean

    ​Does your phone's battery last as long as it should? Typically, a modern phone battery's (lithium-ion) lifespan is 2 – 3 years, which is about 300 – 500 charge cycles as rated by manufacturers. After that, the battery capacity will drop by roughly 20%.

  • Dean


    ​Does your phone's battery last as long as it should? Typically, a modern phone battery's (lithium-ion) lifespan is 2 – 3 years, which is about 300 – 500 charge cycles as rated by manufacturers. After that, the battery capacity will drop by roughly 20%.

    Right? Revvi Card

  • Wilhelm

    Follow mr mine Mobile phone Li-ion batteries contain three terminals: a positive terminal, a negative terminal, and a third terminal that is wired to an internal thermistor to allow the charger to gauge the battery's temperature.